Kriss is a very giving person and a great student. Massage Therapy is the perfect career for her caring personality.. She is always there for everyone, and is kind of the class “mother”. She will be an amazing massage therapist!
Q- Where is your hometown?
A- Fargo, ND
Q- How long have you been a student at TSPA?
A- 3 months
Q- What is your favorite food?
A- Spaghetti
Q- Why did you choose The Salon Professional Academy?
A- I wanted to make a career change and TSPA’s massage therapy program provided me the opportunity to learn a new skill with a comprehensive program.
Q- Why did you decide to pursue a career in Massage Therapy?
A- I wanted a career that would give me the opportunity to provide hands-on care to a wide and varied population of people.
Q- What is your favorite movie?
A- Bread and Tulips – It’s a foreign film.
Q- Describe TSPA in one word.
A- Community.
Q- What is your favorite thing about TSPA?
A- My classmates and instructors.
Q- Who is your favorite band/music artist?
A- Led Zepplin.
Q- When did you first become interested in a career in Massage Therapy?
A- I have wanted to learn massage therapy for several years now. I finally decided to just go for it!
Q- What advice would you give to other students wanting to achieve high levels of success like you have?
A- Believe in yourself and keep moving toward your dreams, but take it one day at a time.
Q- What do you plan to do after you graduate?
A- I would love to care for and provide massage therapy for people with special needs.
Q- What do you like to do in your spare time?
A- I love to ride bike, kayak, hike, garden, cook, bake and hang out with my grandchildren, family & friends.